eBay Spring 2015 Seller Updates and What You Need to Know

As sellers are managing listings across multiple channels, the listing or insertion fees as well as final value or selling fees make a difference as to the volume of products you add to each channel. With eBay’s Spring Seller Update, you may decide to make changes to your eBay presence specifically how you have your items listed and the amount of times you decide to relist them. SureDone will cover what you need to know by breaking this release up into different segments.
Product Identifiers
In June 2015, eBay will require product identifiers on multiple categories when listing new products for greater item visibility. This means UPC, MPN, ISBN or EAN. While listening to the eBay Radio, they stated, “It will be strongly recommended for those listing Used products to also enter product identifiers.” I hear that as eBay may build that into the Cassini search algorithm for Best Match or that they will require Product Identifiers on Used products in the future as well.
The benefit about using SureDone is it automatically maps the UPC with eBay’s UPC field. Also, you can map the UPC field with another field identifier your products have. If you specifically use MPNs, you can map the MPN field to UPC and it will still populate on eBay’s side. In addition, if you are listing automotive parts with an MPN or EPID, SureDone also populates the part fitment data so you can comply with eBay’s new request to add a Product Identifier but also display all of the vehicles/powersports your part fits on.
Learn more about Product Identifiers on eBay
eBay Listing Fee Updates
eBay made some eye-catching changes that can appear as a benefit to the rate changes but you have to make an assessment of what makes the most sense to your business model.
Auction-Style Insertion Fees Credited
As a complete turn of expectation, eBay is emphasizing on auction-style listings. When items sell on auction-style, sellers are credited the insertion fee.
Duration Fee Change
eBay is now placing a $1 surcharge on listings that are 1 and 3-day durations which means you want to make sure your auction-style listings successfully sell. On the other hand, eBay removed the additional fee for 10-day duration listings.
eBay Store Subscription
Enticing sellers to obtain a monthly store subscription, eBay has reduced the amount of listings non-subscribers can list free of insertion fees. While the final value fee remains at 10% on all categories, non-subscribers have 20 insertion fees they avoid in comparison to the previous 100. If you aren’t a store subscriber, a basic is $15.95 per month and final value fees drop from 10% to a range of 4-9%. Also, 150 insertion fees are wiped from your account each month (this totals to be more than the monthly subscription). If you’re listing over 60 items per month, it makes sense to get an eBay store subscription.
Learn more about eBay Fee Updates on eBay
Category Updates
During Spring and Fall updates, there are always category updates. See if your main categories have adjusted to ensure you are listing to the correct subcategories. Even a bigger note is to make sure you’re including all Item Specifics for highest visibility in your listings. You can add these specifics as custom user fields within SureDone so you won’t forget to add those fields for your next listings.
Learn more about Category Changes on eBay