SureDone Releases Version 3 User Interface

SureDone Releases Version 3 User Interface


We’re happy to announce that phase one of SureDone’s new Version 3 user interface will be launched on August 20th, 2020.

Several years ago we launched Version 2 of our user interface, adding many modern capabilities to how our users interact with SureDone.

Version 3 of our interface is a complete overhaul based on years of analysis of how customers used Version 2. Version 3 will add numerous enhancements such as:

  • Mobile friendliness allowing SureDone to be used on mobile devices like phones and tablets
  • Increased speed
  • Easier to use menu structures
  • A dashboard
  • Improved onboarding of new customers and accounts
  • Improved account and user management
  • Improved configuration screens
  • A foundation for reporting
  • The ability to quickly modify the user interface for new features and capabilities

You’ll see many of these enhancements in our phase one release on August 20th. Over the next several months, you’ll continue to see enhancements until we’ve converted the entire Version 2 interface.

Your New Homescreen


SureDone Version 3 Home

The biggest change you’ll see is your dashboard. Along the left side of the page is the menu containing what used to be at the top of the screen – product management, orders, configuration, etc. In the center you’ll find a list of recommended action items, channel information, announcements, and charts.

At the top center of the screen you’ll find the search bar that you’re used to, along with saved searches. To the right of that, you’ll find your account login. Clicking on that will provide you with links to help and configuration.

It’s a Transition, Folks.

As you click around our new interface, you’ll find that you bounce between our Version 2 interface and the new Version 3 interface. This is normal. We’re going to continue to move screens from Version 2 to Version 3 over the next several months.

If you find any issues with the new interface, please report them immediately through our support desk by opening a ticket.

About The Author

Chris Labatt-Simon

Chris is the Executive Vice President of Operations and Finance at SureDone, and was formerly the Vice President of Customer Success. Chris's role continues to be customer focused. As he says, "My job is to put a smile on our customers' faces." In addition to managing customer support, customer service, customer success and onboarding, Chris also finds time to find ways to turn chaos into order and to manage the financial and legal aspects of SureDone.

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