SureDone Releases its Core Marketplace-as-a-Service Engine

SureDone Releases its Core Marketplace-as-a-Service Engine

Multichannel E-Commerce Listing and Order Management can now be added to any platform and any user interface in 60 days or less.

SureDone has released their Marketplace-as-a-Service (MaaS) API platform from beta trials allowing any software platform to add multi-tenant multichannel listing and order management to their own user interface. The MaaS solution is comprised of a comprehensive REST based interface connected to the complete back end systems and services that currently power the retail version of the SureDone omnichannel user interface. This system allows users to list products to major channels such as eBay, Amazon, Walmart, Etsy and others while automatically maintaining inventory and managing orders.

“Any enterprise software provider, ERP provider, marketplace, large brand or other group that has multiple users and stores product information can now extend their application to allow listing and order management to and from the major online channels directly from their own interface,” said Jason Nadaf, CEO of SureDone, Inc. “We’re giving enterprise platforms the opportunity to attract new customers and retain existing ones while increasing revenues and profitability – all without having to learn and maintain the intricacies of marketplace APIs.”

SureDone’s Marketplace-as-a-Service solution includes hooks and endpoints for new user signup, channel authorization, listing, inventory and order management, channel imports and category taxonomy. Once integrated into an organization’s own software and user interface, products and orders can be separately managed for each user across all channels currently supported within SureDone’s own enterprise system including Amazon Worldwide, eBay worldwide, eBay motors, Walmart, Etsy and others.

During a recent MaaS trial with one of the largest worldwide marketplaces, over 400,000 users were created through the SureDone MaaS API in a two month period, allowing for product listing by each user to major channels.

“Their API proved to be straightforward and flexible. API function and process availability was extensive.” stated the US General Manager of the marketplace. “The scalability of their platform was proven after several hundred thousand users were added to the pilot over a short time period.”

Understanding that multichannel management is new to many organizations, SureDone is including extensive live support during the onboarding process. This support includes assisting the company integrating MaaS with developing appropriate workflows that utilize best practices, implementation planning, page layout support and channel requirements. In addition, multiple review and support meetings per week will be provided along with supervised quality assurance by SureDone development team members. Comprehensive documentation is also provided.

“With the level of personal support and hand-holding we’re providing right from the start, along with our extensive documentation and QA assistance, we have shown that invested companies can deploy the product in under 60 days,” said Nadaf. “This will allow companies using SureDone’s MaaS API to see financial returns far faster than when developing their own multichannel software. It makes the build versus buy decision an easy one.”

Pricing for the MaaS platform is flexible in order to align with most companies’ existing customer pricing approaches.

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About SureDone

SureDone provides enterprise ready multichannel listing, order and inventory management via its robust online platform allowing customers to make their products available on leading channels such as Amazon, eBay, Walmart and Etsy. Built upon the scalable SureDone Marketplace-as-a-Service engine, which is also available for licensing, SureDone automates normally expensive and time consuming tasks such as multichannel inventory management while also providing a comprehensive toolset for integration with market leading third party shipping and logistics software, and even allowing for rich integration with custom applications. For more information, visit or contact

About The Author

Chris Labatt-Simon

Chris is the Executive Vice President of Operations and Finance at SureDone, and was formerly the Vice President of Customer Success. Chris's role continues to be customer focused. As he says, "My job is to put a smile on our customers' faces." In addition to managing customer support, customer service, customer success and onboarding, Chris also finds time to find ways to turn chaos into order and to manage the financial and legal aspects of SureDone.

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